List your event

Are you planning a community event and want to list it on Ballarat IN THE KNOW?

Ballarat In The Know event listing information & criteria 

Ballarat In The Know is an information platform designed with Ballarat residents in mind. 

The events and offerings listed should inspire locals to go out and experience them or, importantly, give them a reason to invite their loved ones to visit Ballarat. 

Events can be listed in two ways: 

  • For tourism driving events: Create an Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) listing for tourism-focused events. ATDW event listings are free of charge and can be submitted online.  

What can be listed on Ballarat In The Know: 

  • Creative/leisure based workshops and talks 
  • Community events 
  • Concerts and performances 
  • Exhibitions and shows 
  • Festivals and celebrations 
  • Food and wine events 
  • Farmers’ markets 
  • Sporting events 
  • Charity events listed by official organisations where there is an event that the public can attend. 

To be eligible to list on this website, events must be held in the Ballarat region.  
Events should be inclusive and embrace diversity, and must be open to the general public and have broad appeal for the community as well as visitors. 

We do not list professional services, trades and utilities, travel agencies, hire services, wholesale, auctions, animal sales or B2B, promotions or giveaways, professional development, gambling or adult services, political or religious content. 

Our team carefully reviews events when they’re received, making sure we continue to deliver a high-quality site. Some listings will be edited for style. 

If your listing is sent back to you with a request for amendments, and you choose to resubmit without making the requested changes, our team may refuse to publish your event 

Event details provided for the Ballarat in The Know calendar must be up-to-date and accurate. The City of Ballarat does not accept responsibility for incorrect or out of date information, and reserves the right to remove any event/s displaying out of date or incorrect information 

Please contact us if you need further clarification – – and we’ll be happy to help.

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Across Victoria’s Midwest, we acknowledge that we travel across the ancient landscapes of many First Peoples communities. These lands have been nurtured and cared for over tens of thousands of years and we respect the work of Traditional Custodians for their ongoing care and protection.

We recognise the past injustices against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in this country. As our knowledge grows, we hope that we can learn from their resilience and creativity that has guided them for over 60,000 years. As we invite people to visit and explore Victoria’s Midwest, we ask that alongside us, you also grow to respect the stories, living culture and connection to Country of the Ancestors and Elders of our First Peoples.


© 2023 Ballarat In The Know. This initiative is funded by the City of Ballarat and Tourism Midwest Victoria.