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Mitchell Harris co-founder and winemaker John Harris' Ballarat In The Know

Familiar Faces

We asked local hospitality hero, John Harris, what he does when he has visitors coming to town. Keep reading to for his top tips and favourites.

Favourite place to eat

The legendary institution L’Espresso for breakfast or lunch and plenty of cool jazz and soul tunes and vibes. 

Favourite places to visit

We love The Foundry for the best gifts and homewares in town. In winter there’s nothing better than visiting one of the city’s amazing wine bars and sitting by the fire with a glass of red wine… there’s a great one here at Mitchell Harris. 

Favourite nature fix

A hot or leisurely lap of Lake Wendouree is a must, beautiful anytime of the day – you’ll find me there most mornings. Alternatively, walk the dog or take the bike out along the Yarrowee River Trail either to Gong Gong Reservoir and/or out to Magpie. 

A hidden gem

Comfort of Strangers bar is a favourite hidden gem. Torquil has an amazing selection of exotic wines, spirits and beers from around the world. Other spots include the winding tracks and wide, open spaces of Victoria Park, catching a local artist or favourite band at Volta, or wandering up and down the middle of Sturt Street and admiring the streetscape, statues and memorials along the way.

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21 Sep 2023

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Across Victoria’s Midwest, we acknowledge that we travel across the ancient landscapes of many First Peoples communities. These lands have been nurtured and cared for over tens of thousands of years and we respect the work of Traditional Custodians for their ongoing care and protection.

We recognise the past injustices against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in this country. As our knowledge grows, we hope that we can learn from their resilience and creativity that has guided them for over 60,000 years. As we invite people to visit and explore Victoria’s Midwest, we ask that alongside us, you also grow to respect the stories, living culture and connection to Country of the Ancestors and Elders of our First Peoples.


© 2023 Ballarat In The Know. This initiative is funded by the City of Ballarat and Tourism Midwest Victoria.