61st National Gem and Mineral Show (GEMBOREE)

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National Gem and Mineral Show.

National Gem Crafts Competition.

The Show incorporates sales of handmade Jewlery, tools and consumables used by the craft and results of the National Gem and Mineral competition for 2025 with all entries on display.

Raw materials used in the craft are also available for purchase at the event, from rough cut slabs of materials, rough gemstone material, rough opals and some of the synthetic materials.

For the hobbyist Jeweler there will also be plenty of unset items including Cabochons and facetted Gemstones.

For the collector there will be numerous examples of Minerals, Fossil and Meteorites.

Content: Victorian Gem Clubs Association Inc.

Dates & Times
  • Fri 18 Apr 12pm–5pm
  • Sat 19 Apr 9am–5pm
  • Sun 20 Apr 9am–5pm
  • Mon 21 Apr 9am–3pm

Accessibility Information

  • Provides general access facilities and services for people with access needs.
  • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
  • Caters for people who use a wheelchair.

  • Fri 18 Apr 12pm–5pm
  • Sat 19 Apr 9am–5pm
  • Sun 20 Apr 9am–5pm

Federation University. Mt Helen Campus.

University Drive, Mount Helen VIC 3350

Get Directions

$7 - $21

$7.00 Per Adult per day
$21.00 Per Adult 4 day pass.
Children under 12 free.
$5.00 per car Parking

Accessibility Information

  • Provides general access facilities and services for people with access needs.
  • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
  • Caters for people who use a wheelchair.

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Across Victoria’s Midwest, we acknowledge that we travel across the ancient landscapes of many First Peoples communities. These lands have been nurtured and cared for over tens of thousands of years and we respect the work of Traditional Custodians for their ongoing care and protection.

We recognise the past injustices against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in this country. As our knowledge grows, we hope that we can learn from their resilience and creativity that has guided them for over 60,000 years. As we invite people to visit and explore Victoria’s Midwest, we ask that alongside us, you also grow to respect the stories, living culture and connection to Country of the Ancestors and Elders of our First Peoples.


© 2023 Ballarat In The Know. This initiative is funded by the City of Ballarat and Tourism Midwest Victoria.